how does your garden grow?

OOC here.

Word Count → 000

'An impressive beast' Odessa praised, watching him with a somewhat cautious gaze, 'A fine hunter I assumed too?' Most feline's were, but Odessa suspected that, like her Aunt's Itzcitla, that Abendrot posessed an ultimate arsenal against prey. And when coupled with Salvia's visciousness, she presumed that few things would stand against them. Odessa thought of purchasing her own pet many times, though, always a girl to choose practicality over asthetics, she opted not too. But as her private quaters were finished and regular scouring of the nearby cities had given her a large supply of items avalible for trading, finding a small pet was permitted.

The mottled medic glanced lazily back at Keshi, who was still grazing away, paying little attention to the scene. 'Oh. Yes. That's Keshi' she introduced softly, 'I think Uncle thinks of his as ugly. Perhaps he's right, but he's docile and never put's up a fight' Odessa turned back around to Salvia, 'He's got a strong back too, he could probably be trained to put a cart if we had one'. She frowned, perhaps one would be constructed or bought. Her cousin spoke again, causing her to lower her head, 'Sorry, I'm usually in the garden. I'm trying to write down all of the plants and their medicinal effects. I'm attempting to gain the Curandera co-rank'. It was extremely useful to know what ingredients did what and where you could get them from. Otherwise she was out of the pack lands, procuring more herbs and plants to use for healing.

'I'm just planting something I found outside the packlands, some Valerian plants' she explained, smiling lightly at her older cousin.

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