
I dunno if I am allowed to read that delicious ramble... I'd better ask my Sie for supervision. (HI ILU, RAMBLEx2). 5+

The mare seemed tireless, endless. Although it had been her beauty that had struck him first, the monarch had now developed a healthy respect for the quality of his horse. She was docile enough, but still quick to the bit, eager to respond to any of his commands. He had taken to riding her without a saddle, of late, keen to develop the strength of communication and control between horse and rider.

Thus, with the faded ebony leather of the reigns and a fistful of silvery mane clenched in both hands, Sirius could be found pelting through the wilderness, a dark and foreboding figure on a steed as pale and brilliant as the half-crescent moon. He headed for the traps set at intervals throughout the land, and stopped at each one - Most were empty, but from one he retrieved a fat hare. After snapping its neck, he secured the animal to the strap made of dried and leathered intestines about one thigh. The Revlis' man's dagger was secured there, also, and when revealed by his movements it glinted like a large tooth. Irritated by the small amount of game that had been caught, and unwilling to turn back now, Sirius hunched low over the withers of the mare and allowed her to run.

It was reckless, to gallop so freely through land so unruly and dangerous as this, but the mare had steady feet, and they didn't so much as stumble during the trip. He came across the river-border and headed upstream, until the growth underfoot gave way to pebble, and the water relented an area shallow enough to cross. The spray from Luna's hooves was bitterly cold, for the stream gushed down from higher up in the Halcyon range, where snow would soon be settling. Winter was coming fast, its sharp icy teeth already gnawing on the back of the King's neck. Salsola would be hit brutally by the dramatic weather - The harsh wilderness embraced such hardships, welcomed the bone-chilling frost into its marrow. But the Northerners, Sirius' people, were equally hard; They too would face the winter without fear or qualm.

Although his thick, dark pelt kept out the chill, the Northern winds were known to slice a man in half with their bitter blade. Thus the half-blooded monarch, who had not the thick pelt of a full-blooded wolf, had taken to wearing his bearcoat more often of late. It settled about his shoulders in a heavy, familiar weight, trapping the warm air beneath it. When at last he let Luna gallop, the dark fur unfurled behind him like large, ungodly wings.

The land beyond Salsola quickly smoothed out, as though the hand of some greater artist had thought to sooth the earth and grass here. It had not the frantic look to it - the look of sheer survival - That Salsolan land had, and was thus to the acidic eyes of the monarch not as beautiful. A wind stirred the disquiet, sending the tall grasses waving away from the mare's silver hooves like an ocean of gold and tan. He rode hard, enjoying the beat of the animal beneath him, the raw power of being in such motion. It was only when the horizon relented a figure that the monarch stilled his beast, easing her to a trot, and then a halt.

It was unlikely that the woman (he could smell her, just faintly, enough to know it was so) had not seen him by now. This land was not good for hiding anything - It was too bare, too open. Narrowed pupils glittered within hard eyes of poisonous olive, seeking further details on this stranger. They stood beside a mangled thing, a rusted skeleton of metal. Clucking softly to Luna, the pressed the mare forward, halting again at a mild distance from the figure. There, he waited to see if she would approach, or run. If she ran, would he hunt her down? There was no desire for bloodlust within him, but the Hunter had a keen prey urge, and Salsola was always in need of more slaves.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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