wilted flowers, and those in bloom



Tedros had spent his first night inside his room in the mansion, and it had been everything he could have asked for. It was quiet, and smelled of Inferni. The scent was finally starting to cling to him again, and it was making him easier to move on from his old life and start anew. Standing up, he stretched his long arms and outstretched his claws, inhaling and exhaling his new home. Ted ran a hand through his raggedy mane and then walked outside.

He headed to the left as he exited the house, making his way towards the lake and garden. The day was beautiful, sun shining down upon him, warming his red-hued fur. Snout lifted into the air, Teddy inhaled the world around him, noticing a unique smell in the garden. Wine-colored eyes met the femme. She was in mid-shift, and it was certainly a sight to watch. The tan hybrid was covered in wounds, and was most definitely not used to shifting. She seemed to old to Tedros to have just begun shifting for the first time, though.

The male stood there, curiously and intently watching, until she finished her transformation and knelt to the ground. Slightly worried that she had lost her balance (she could have been very weak, looking at all those scars), he moved towards her, only to realize with a sigh of relief that she was picking flowers in the garden. A grin moved across his maw. “You’re picking the last few living flowers.” Tedros chuckled, demonstrating that he wasn’t actually upset at her action.

“Are you new around here?” He scent was like his; a hint of Inferni, and a lot of the past. Tedros could only hope that this luperci was a member because he certainly wasn’t in the position to do anything about it if she wasn’t. Although, she was defacing property.


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