Run like the wind
OOC: I'm fine with it but Kostya ain't too happy ^_^

Kostya wasn;t expecting to be randomly rammed so when the other wolf jumped for him he went over easily, along the way proving the old phrase "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" to be true as he fell to the dirt, rolling twice before he managed to catch himself, his right leg jamming ahrd against the ground.

Pickign himself up, wincing as he put weight onto his right let but otherwise ignoring the pain, Ksotya glared balefully at the other male, his teeth peeking out from beneath his lips just the slightest bit, "Was tha' really necessary? Do ya' make a habit of bargin' people before ya' even ask em ta' do soemthin'?" That said Kostya relaxed his posture and hid his teeth again, enough of his earlier good mood lingering to lessen the sting of being randomly attacked, though he was still fairly annoyed.

"Ya' know, ya' migh' not'a wanted tha' deer, but I could'a used some meat ta' put in my stockpile. Ain' gonna be much by way of deer like tha' wanderin' round my den when winter comes, an ah'm fairly low on meat at tha' moment" This was said in an unaggressive, neutral tone, simply a gentle rebuke to remind the other wolf that winter was coming, and prey was going to become scarce soon. Kostya's food supply was becoming fairly low as the prey began to disappear, not that it had been vey high in the first place with all the injuries he had suffered recently.

With an annoyed snort and a shake of his head Kostya let the matter go, the deer was long gone by now anyway so there wasn't much point arguing over it. Instead he peered curiously at the male who had body slammed him. The stranger was a black coated wolf slightly smaller than Kostya himself, with two feathers tied into his mane and an odd red pattern around his eye. The last thing caused Kostya to double take and snort in amusement, remembering his meeting with Saxif, who had a similar mark, nearly a week before.

"There some sorta fashion goin' around tha' I don' know about with those things? Yer' the second wolf i've seen with a red markin' over their eye in a week." Kostya asked with an amused snort, gesturing to the strangers eye with his snout as he wandered closer, stopping about two metres away from the stranger, "The names Konstantin, who're you?"A bit blunter than normal for Kostya, and he hadn’t offered up his nickname, but then again he didn’t particularly appreciate being body slammed, so he would wait and see before he got friendly with the wolf.


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