even the songbirds sing

Word Count → 431 ::
Okey dokey, that's what I thought. And no problem! Big Grin

Though by this time in the year it was usually much colder, there was still a chill in the air that found its way into the coyote girl’s bones. In the morning light, one found the dying grass coated with a sparkling layer of frost and breath would freeze into shimmering clouds. And yet, as the day grew longer into the afternoon, the sun would work its way into the pale blue sky and melt away any evidence of the pending winter. Soon enough there would be plenty of snow on the ground and the rest of the leaves that still clung perilously to the skeletal trees would fall away into oblivion. Everything would become cold and dark, and Clover would retreat to the warmth of her room within Salsola and wait, much like her father, for spring to resurrect the colorful life of Mother Earth’s beautiful creatures.

There was not much more than the soft crunch of Daisy’s hooves against the crisp frost and the light breeze that blew past. Darkened ears swiveled to catch the sound of more life, but there was none to be heard. Everyone and everything was preparing for the cold – preserving energy and not wasting any unnecessary time outdoors. Despite the unusual warmer weather, the birds had flown south and there was hardly a straggler to been seen. It was incredibly lonely and Clover thought that perhaps she had been mistaken about this journey to reunite herself with Mother Earth.

But it was the most unusual sound permeating the air that brought a new light to the coyote girl’s features. Though it was not something she could identify right away, there was a familiarity to this noise. A palm caressed the broad plane of Daisy’s neck, and the mare knew what it was that Clover was drawing her attention to. The duo quickly changed their course, and all the while the melody strengthened in intensity.

It was the voice the stole her breath for several moments. Clover Love was sure she was about to face the spiritual energy of her father here along the mountain, for she knew at once it was Razekiel’s voice she was hearing. Dampness sprouted amongst straw-gold eyes and Clover urged Daisy over a small crest towards the music. The image that greeted the Lykoi child was enough to warrant the overflow of tears that dampened her red-masked cheeks. Oh, Mother Earth! Oh, my Mother! She cried out quietly to herself, unsure if what she was seeing was truly the ghost of her deceased father, or a trick of the mind.

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