Here I Go Again
Hey there! And it's allright! Smile

The young girl walked silently in the courthouse, trailing her fingertips lightly against the furniture. Ice blue eyes, curious still took in her new home. The word home still was fresh and weird in her mind, her meaning of home always having been at the Manor. Now, her new home and her new life was this place, with so many unfamiliar beings living here, sharing the same place. The girl's mind wondered a bit before a smiling, warm black-curled muzzle appeared in the head of the head-over-heals-in-love girl. She smiled to herself widely at the thought of him, missing him ever so slightly.

The young woman had been exploring the many great halls and large rooms when she heard the soft familiar Scottish accents of her brother and father. She slowed her pace a bit and made herself silent, hiding behind a corner where she wasn't too be heard nor seen. Black-dotted ears flickered intently as she listened, when suddenly she became especially interested when the conversation turned to her mother. The fae suddenly became frustrated at her brother's words. She didn't care?! How could her mother not care?! It seemed as if her mother was pretending like nothing was happening!!

Composing herself and hiding her emotions, she casually and slowly walked into the room. Why was Fia always in the wrong place at the wrong time, having to deal with it?? "Hey dad, Hey brother" The girl said causally in a silky voice just like her mothers. She wore her long black flowing hair down today with a small white flower in her right ear. She leaned casually on the wall next to her, resting a paw on the chipping and peeling flower wallpaper. A small smile shadowed on her maw, as-always curious eyes looking at the two huge males. Suddenly, the girl felt puny, like a small mouse. They where so much bigger then her! And she was just a tiny little mouse! Why had the girl stopped growing and stayed so small? She hated being small, for the woman felt as if because of her size anyone could get her to do anything.

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