Sun before the storm
.: OOC :. Sorry it's so short, I'm in a rush and wanted to get this up!

Shandom was coming to find he enjoyed the climate of this territory. In Etienne, there would have been copious amounts of snow on the ground already, and the wind would be howling with rage. By now, the male would have borrowed himself into his comfortable cave den, venturing out only to hunt and attend to pack duties. Otherwise, he and Lea would be comfortably entwined together; black on white, ebony and ivory, yin and yang. Her bulk would easily encircle him, making the male feel small; strangely, he did not mind. Shandom had always felt safe with Lea, protected from any danger the world might pose. Funny how three years could change things.

He knew that if she somehow arrived in Nova Scotia - and he would not be shocked if she did - that his life, and the lives of those around him, would be in jeopardy. There were scarce few wolves he'd bonded with, Saxif being the primary once, and he would feel absolutely horrible if the monstrous female decided to take out her aggression towards him on them. But he would not have been surprised; after he left Keliyya, Shandom had been horrified to learn what happened to Yajaira and her. Yajaira murdered in cold blood, Keliyya raped repeatedly: the memory repeated endlessly in his head. Who knew that for one misdeed, so much pain and suffering could arise.

Walking along the coastline, his four paws slapping on the earth, Shandom could not help but still feel content despite the maelstrom that threatened to arise in his head. He spotted another wolf, also on four legs, and a huge grin broke across his face. It was so rare that he encountered a wolf in the same shape as he, so the male broke into an eager trot. Hello! he called, voice and body posture friendly. He did not want to alienate this stranger.

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