Sun before the storm
.: OOC :. No worries! Didn't give you much to work with. .: WC :. 408

The male seemed friendly enough, as he hadn't immediately snarled at Shandom and told him to beat it. Hell, he hadn't met anyone around here who seemed likely to tell him to "beat it". The least appealing wolf he'd met thus far (at least initially, he harbored no grudges against the female now) was Terra, and that was just because she was over friendly. Shandom's typically reserved, slightly aloof nature was not necessarily being replaced, but he'd certainly felt more friendly and comfortable as of late than he had in the past. He thought this new land to be a peaceful place, an ironic vein due to the fact that he arrived in the midst of a war. But as he hadn't known anyone at the time of fighting, he was really rather indifferent. Not that he'd ever mention that to Saxif - he assumed she hurt her arm in the battle.

As Shandom approached, he noticed that the male was scarred as well. There were four lines on the side of his muzzle from some unknown creature; he could not help but wonder what it was from. This gentleman was significantly more decorated than Shandom, and though he was slightly embarassed to be so unadorned, he did not make that obvious. Instead, he kept his facial features calm and neutral as he ambled his way to the rock where the man sat. He kept a respectful distance: though the man's greeting had been friendly, Shandom could not help but be wary of strangers. The dangers posed were numerous, even in these overfriendly lands.

It's quite refreshing to see someone in their four legged form, he said once he heaved himself onto the rock, panting slightly. The male's accent was unfamiliar; Shandom assumed he was foreign. In his travels, the most exotic creatures he'd ever met had been Tourniquet and Adonis, and they spoke with only the slightest accent. The alabaster male was remiss to admit he'd never asked them the geography of their home. It was actually quite rude of him. Then again, it would be equally rude to ask this male, this stranger, right off the bat about his origins. Shandom, ever the master of manners, elected to not.

I'm sorry to interrupt your solitude; I hope you were not seeking to enjoy your day alone. The words rolled off Shandom's tongue, his polite nature reminding him to give the male the option to dismiss him.

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