I see you coming my way
OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien.

Aenean ultricies cursus ipsum, vel adipiscing magna dapibus quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed lectus sapien, tincidunt feugiat sagittis vitae, commodo quis est. Mauris tincidunt bibendum arcu, a ultrices justo hendrerit eu. Aliquam erat ac justo volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 415

She had spoken so quickly to him, he almost had been confused by her words. He caught them though and nodded his head lightly. He was a sizable male, and it was not like it wasn't too obvious, because he definitely knew of his size and held some pride in it, since he was of dog blood, as well as the glorious wolven blood. He smiled to her, a slightly proud smile that was soon disintegrated by the question of the woman. He was not forbidden to speak of his god, but it was hardly one to be asked about. Not many asked of his religion, they would rather talk about the weather or something like that, so her inquiry struck him as odd and unorthodox. He smiled none the less. Yes, I do mean my god. There are many gods in my religion though, not only a father, but a mother as well. For every man, there is to be a woman, yeah? he asked, as if she knew what he was talking about, none the less he held an excited look on his secui face and a smile as well, and his tail wagged lightly at the woman.

Are you interested in the gods, m'lady? It seems odd for someone to inquire about such things as religion upon first meet, that's for sure. the male told her, noting to her that it was unorthodox for her to speak of such things. Many others before her had no interest of his spirituality, rather they were interested in where he was from, and how he found himself here, and what trouble he had gotten into. Reykr was not objecting to talk about such things, he was just curious as to know why she wanted to speak of such things, and why they were more interesting than the inquiry of their journeys to get where they were now.

Either way, I believe primarily in the gods, Freyr and Freyja, as well as Gerth. Freyr and Freyja being the god and goddess of fertility. purred the male, a smile still sitting on his lips as he looked to the sable woman with the swirl on her shoulder. I also promise that I do not bite, miss Eris. It is safe to speak to me from a closer distance. spoke the male, nodding his head lightly and asking her to come closer so he would not have to raise his voice to speak to her.

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OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer accumsan molestie metus, a dictum lacus dapibus quis. Fusce est lectus, tristique nec blandit ut, congue a lacus. Sed adipiscing dapibus arcu. Donec sollicitudin tempus semper. Aenean rutrum, neque condimentum placerat dignissim, risus est iaculis lorem, sit amet condimentum nisi erat non dui. Cras adipiscing pulvinar ultricies. In in lacus felis, at convallis justo. Etiam eros nulla, pharetra id convallis ac, tristique nec mi. Donec venenatis turpis imperdiet purus consectetur eget placerat tortor tincidunt. Sed sem dolor, aliquam sit amet bibendum vel, malesuada in ligula. Nam nec ultricies sem. Nam tincidunt condimentum tortor ac tempor. Cras orci justo, lacinia sed porttitor ut, interdum nec risus. Donec mauris mauris, venenatis et vehicula non, fermentum nec neque. Phasellus sollicitudin libero sed justo convallis ultrices.

Fusce tortor mi, malesuada non imperdiet sit amet, fringilla sit amet velit. Donec fermentum, diam nec ullamcorper tincidunt, dolor enim luctus erat, ut rutrum elit dolor ut lorem. Nam auctor semper erat, ac fringilla urna mollis imperdiet. Aenean eu nunc est, nec tempus nibh. Sed sit amet sagittis mauris. Aliquam mollis metus vulputate est vulputate et euismod ipsum vehicula. Curabitur non lacinia lacus. Vestibulum a lacus magna, eget mattis lectus.

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OOC here.

Word Count → 000

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec felis lacus, bibendum sollicitudin ultrices at, pharetra eu neque. Aliquam interdum eros facilisis enim venenatis sed eleifend quam tincidunt. Nam vel est id tortor congue porta. Duis congue magna ut sapien lobortis et hendrerit quam bibendum. Aenean blandit magna eget dui placerat volutpat. In auctor lacinia felis nec cursus. Donec auctor nulla vel risus sodales imperdiet. Aliquam tincidunt facilisis dolor a tristique. Nullam porttitor massa molestie dui semper eget bibendum magna facilisis. Donec nec leo nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat.

“Donec laoreet aliquet venenatis.” Nulla scelerisque luctus porttitor. Vestibulum lacinia massa ac justo iaculis vitae placerat quam elementum. Sed in lorem odio. Nullam dignissim nunc vel tortor bibendum luctus. Ut rhoncus placerat rhoncus. Duis condimentum lectus at purus elementum faucibus. Quisque interdum magna a lorem porta a feugiat enim varius. Mauris ligula mauris, lobortis ultrices eleifend vitae, vulputate vel sem. Aenean cursus, sem vitae pharetra auctor, lorem turpis aliquam metus, elementum adipiscing mi diam ut massa. Fusce risus eros, feugiat malesuada ultrices malesuada, dignissim vel ligula. Quisque nec nulla ligula. Sed nulla massa, facilisis ac varius ac, mattis nec nisi. Pellentesque augue est, vulputate quis tincidunt sed, suscipit et mauris.

image and table by raze

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http://i491.photobucket.com/albums/rr28 ... -helsi.png) top center no-repeat; background-color: #293f21;">

I'm a scary gargoyle on a tower
That you made with plastic power
Your rhinestone eyes are like factories far away

When the paralytic dreams that we all seem to keep
Drive on engines 'til they weep
With future pixels in factories far away

So call the mainland from the beach
All parties now washed up in bleach
The waves are rising for this time of year
And nobody knows what to do with the heat
Under sunshine pylons we'll meet
While rain is falling like rhinestones from the sky

manip @ emma

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/ ... aisuke.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-top:200px;background-color:#000000;">
ooc: I dug this old table up from the grave so i can have another table to use for Reykr. I get depressed that i don't have shit for Rey >.<'

It's too late to apologize.
I'd take another chance,
take a fall, take a shot for you

Reykr was a man of memories that always seemed to be under wraps. It wasn't like he had much of a history to tell, for most of what he remembered, he was in a good situation until the faithful night in which his cousin seduced him, and then he ended up running off after that and trying to find himself and where a disgusting pervert like him deserved to stay. These days he was spending a lot of his time trying to find a way to make it up to the gods. He recently found out that there was also a child that was bared from this union of cousins, and her name was Draugr Helsi. The child even took his last name. Reykr knew little about the child though because he had not been with her most of her life, and they had little in common. The child seemed more reserved and less concerned about him being her father, and that was something that sorta hurt Reykr, but he was a strong man, so he didn't really think much of it, if only because if he thought about it then he probably would drive himself to insanity.

He listened to the woman as she spoke to him, her words about Loki, Odin, and Fenrir was familiar to him, but he believed mostly in Freyja, Freyr, and Gerth. He knew of the innumerable amount of Gods that existed in his world, but he was always taught to keep his primary focus on the three gods of fertility. He was always taught to be a "sexual" being in a way, which made him perverse in all kinds of different ways. He was so stuck in trying not to be labeled in such a way though, even though he knew that he was disgusting (After all, who would sleep with their cousin knowingly? Even if there was some sort of spell on him..) and he more than likely would always be so. In the hearg, we also believed in the norse religion. Though...We were more into the fertility gods, the trio of Freyja, Freyr, and Gerth. spoke the man as they walked along, the scent of the bear seeming to disappear as they walked on and on. The wounded shoulder burned under it's wraps, and he touched his right shoulder and sighed lightly.

He wasn't really expecting the woman to ask him why he chose the Thistle Kingdom out of all of the packs. Reykr didn't really want to tell her about Siv, so he shrugged to her. The kingdom kinda picked me first. I mean, I didn't really get to see the other packs like I was able to see this Kingdom, and it seemed to be the best place for me. I found out later that some of my family is here. he spoke, but he did not mention Siv's name or Draugr or their relationship towards him. What about yourself? Have you been in Nova Scotia long before your joined the ranks? he asked politely, with a cock of his head his large ears pulled towards her and his thin German Shepherd tail wagging gently behind him.



Word Count → 377 :: It looks like Rey is going to eat the word count. Muwhahahahaha

I can't believe that I didn't say this sooner
I just believe that I was all displaced.

Her sister had dragged he along to go visit their mother. Her mother was long gone, doing whatever her mother was doing far away from here. She was almost jealous of her sister for having a mother was that so close, yet so far, but then again, she also was mad at Aeron for dumping the pups on her and her father. If Aeron didn't want them, then why would she let her father mate with her? Also, if her father was gay, why would he even do it to her? She did not understand the reasons behind the actions of the older adults, nor would she really ever know unless Aeron knew and would tell her what the reason for the existence of her siblings if their parents had nothing to do with each other. Dainty paws took her alongside her sister, Valkyrie being slightly taller than her sister because of her long legs and awkward gait. The orche woman seemed to be quiet more often now than she used to be, and there was little conversation between herself and Wraith as they traveled from Inferni, to Anathema to see the mother of the warrior in training.

When they came upon the border, Valk hung back for a moment before Wraith told her that this was far enough. Valk nodded her head and stopped her march and she looked at her sister. Wraith requested that she called for the Atheed of Anathema, and she perked a brow at the 'child'. Her large ears bent back slightly as she looked at the other coyote. This was her mother, not Valkyrie's. If anything the woman might think that something was up or something. Valkyrie didn't know, but she huffed, a signal that she didn't want to do this, but she lifted her head to the sky and let a coyote howl come from her lips, calling to the Atheed.

Hopefully she won't come and try to kill us. spoke the woman to the girl as her howl died down and she looked back at her sister. You won't ever leave Inferni like your mother did, would you, Wraith? she asked curiously, her accent dropped, and her voice actually slightly low and sad.

.Reykr-sie {font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: 14px; letter-spacing:0px; word-spacing:2px; text-align: left; margin:0px 25px;}
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image © sie!



Word Count → 377 :: It looks like Rey is going to eat the word count. Muwhahahahaha

It's really not your fault
That nobody likes to talk about it..

Her sister had dragged he along to go visit their mother. Her mother was long gone, doing whatever her mother was doing far away from here. She was almost jealous of her sister for having a mother was that so close, yet so far, but then again, she also was mad at Aeron for dumping the pups on her and her father. If Aeron didn't want them, then why would she let her father mate with her? Also, if her father was gay, why would he even do it to her? She did not understand the reasons behind the actions of the older adults, nor would she really ever know unless Aeron knew and would tell her what the reason for the existence of her siblings if their parents had nothing to do with each other. Dainty paws took her alongside her sister, Valkyrie being slightly taller than her sister because of her long legs and awkward gait. The orche woman seemed to be quiet more often now than she used to be, and there was little conversation between herself and Wraith as they traveled from Inferni, to Anathema to see the mother of the warrior in training.

When they came upon the border, Valk hung back for a moment before Wraith told her that this was far enough. Valk nodded her head and stopped her march and she looked at her sister. Wraith requested that she called for the Atheed of Anathema, and she perked a brow at the 'child'. Her large ears bent back slightly as she looked at the other coyote. This was her mother, not Valkyrie's. If anything the woman might think that something was up or something. Valkyrie didn't know, but she huffed, a signal that she didn't want to do this, but she lifted her head to the sky and let a coyote howl come from her lips, calling to the Atheed.

Hopefully she won't come and try to kill us. spoke the woman to the girl as her howl died down and she looked back at her sister. You won't ever leave Inferni like your mother did, would you, Wraith? she asked curiously, her accent dropped, and her voice actually slightly low and sad.

.Reykr-sie2 {font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: 14px; letter-spacing:0px; word-spacing:2px; text-align: left; margin:0px 25px;}
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image © sie!



Word Count → 377 :: It looks like Rey is going to eat the word count. Muwhahahahaha

And I said, all i wants for the world to go away
Cause lately things have been crazy..

Her sister had dragged he along to go visit their mother. Her mother was long gone, doing whatever her mother was doing far away from here. She was almost jealous of her sister for having a mother was that so close, yet so far, but then again, she also was mad at Aeron for dumping the pups on her and her father. If Aeron didn't want them, then why would she let her father mate with her? Also, if her father was gay, why would he even do it to her? She did not understand the reasons behind the actions of the older adults, nor would she really ever know unless Aeron knew and would tell her what the reason for the existence of her siblings if their parents had nothing to do with each other. Dainty paws took her alongside her sister, Valkyrie being slightly taller than her sister because of her long legs and awkward gait. The orche woman seemed to be quiet more often now than she used to be, and there was little conversation between herself and Wraith as they traveled from Inferni, to Anathema to see the mother of the warrior in training.

When they came upon the border, Valk hung back for a moment before Wraith told her that this was far enough. Valk nodded her head and stopped her march and she looked at her sister. Wraith requested that she called for the Atheed of Anathema, and she perked a brow at the 'child'. Her large ears bent back slightly as she looked at the other coyote. This was her mother, not Valkyrie's. If anything the woman might think that something was up or something. Valkyrie didn't know, but she huffed, a signal that she didn't want to do this, but she lifted her head to the sky and let a coyote howl come from her lips, calling to the Atheed.

Hopefully she won't come and try to kill us. spoke the woman to the girl as her howl died down and she looked back at her sister. You won't ever leave Inferni like your mother did, would you, Wraith? she asked curiously, her accent dropped, and her voice actually slightly low and sad.

.Reykr-raze {font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: 14px; letter-spacing:0px; word-spacing:2px; text-align: left; margin:0px 25px;}
.Reykr-raze img{width:350px; float:right}
.Reykr-raze p.ooc {font-style:italic; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; text-align:justify; text-indent:0px; padding:0px 5px;}
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image © Raze!



Word Count → 377 :: It looks like Rey is going to eat the word count. Muwhahahahaha

Am I going insane?
My blood is boiling inside of my veins.

Her sister had dragged he along to go visit their mother. Her mother was long gone, doing whatever her mother was doing far away from here. She was almost jealous of her sister for having a mother was that so close, yet so far, but then again, she also was mad at Aeron for dumping the pups on her and her father. If Aeron didn't want them, then why would she let her father mate with her? Also, if her father was gay, why would he even do it to her? She did not understand the reasons behind the actions of the older adults, nor would she really ever know unless Aeron knew and would tell her what the reason for the existence of her siblings if their parents had nothing to do with each other. Dainty paws took her alongside her sister, Valkyrie being slightly taller than her sister because of her long legs and awkward gait. The orche woman seemed to be quiet more often now than she used to be, and there was little conversation between herself and Wraith as they traveled from Inferni, to Anathema to see the mother of the warrior in training.

When they came upon the border, Valk hung back for a moment before Wraith told her that this was far enough. Valk nodded her head and stopped her march and she looked at her sister. Wraith requested that she called for the Atheed of Anathema, and she perked a brow at the 'child'. Her large ears bent back slightly as she looked at the other coyote. This was her mother, not Valkyrie's. If anything the woman might think that something was up or something. Valkyrie didn't know, but she huffed, a signal that she didn't want to do this, but she lifted her head to the sky and let a coyote howl come from her lips, calling to the Atheed.

Hopefully she won't come and try to kill us. spoke the woman to the girl as her howl died down and she looked back at her sister. You won't ever leave Inferni like your mother did, would you, Wraith? she asked curiously, her accent dropped, and her voice actually slightly low and sad.

.Reykr-req {font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: 14px; letter-spacing:0px; word-spacing:2px; text-align: left; margin:0px 25px;}
.Reykr-req img{width:300px; float:right}
.Reykr-req p.ooc {font-style:italic; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; text-align:justify; text-indent:0px; padding:0px 5px;}
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image © Requiem!



Word Count → 644 :: :]

Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention
Of learning how and when we'll die, but we cant listen.

When he came in, he was greeted with a happier looking Alessandra, which was to his pleasure. She licked him, and he smiled at her as she took the meat and then walked away. He nodded his head. Oh yes! Some of your awesome cooking! I loooove you, Alessandra! the male spoke to her, obviously excited because he liked her cooking much more than his own. Sure, he knew a little bit about it, and he could cook meat to where it was yummy, but he wasn't a very talented cook. He thought that the spices that Lessa added were awesome, and it made her food delicious. He wasn't a spice man, he couldn't figure out what tastes to mix to where it was good. Lessa was much better at that than he. He appreciated it as well, hence why his tail wagged and his smile was plastered on his maw as he watched his love move towards the kitchen-esqe area and she started to fiddle with the meat.

Reykr found that this was a good moment to go freshen up a little bit. The wolfdog grabbed a rag he had hanging up on a branch, a makeshift rod that was placed in a corner. With this, he cleaned his hands, and then he went to a water bucket and he started to wash his hands off in it. This bucket was for this anyways, for he always filled this specific bucket for that purpose. The water clouded with blood as Reykr rubbed the blood from his arms and he also wet the rag and got the blood from his face. Once he was done with that, he looked back over to the whole reason he had left his home in Salsola. Reykr realized that there was other reasons, but he just knew that he had come across Lessa in Salsola for a reason, and he couldn't just let her go like that. He didn't want to let her go like that. If Siv thought he was dead, then so be it. He could care less about what Siv and Draugr though. Neither of them showed much interest in him, and therefore he made no emotional ties to them. Sure, he still had a part of him that cared, but he had to keep on stomping on it to get rid of it, and one day, he imagined that the feeling would be completely gone. He knew it would. Lately, he hadn't even thought of them though. He was too busy settling into his new home.

He just looked at her lounging on the floor by the fire, with the deer pelts under her. The fire made her pelt shimmer, and her eyes had an eerie, yet sexy glow to them as she looked back at him. He liked what he saw, and his own sweet corn eyes got a glare to them that was not all that innocent. Reykr had not bedded the woman yet, but the desire was there. He wagged his tail lightly, and he moved toward the woman, and he first got on his knees next to her and he leaned over and gave her a lick on her muzzle and he placed his hand on her stomach. He gave the woman a low growl, and another lick on her muzzle. I missed you all day. You should come with me next time, with Vahalla the male suggested as he proceeded to lay down next to her and he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. He snuggled her, pushing his face into her soft fur on her shoulders. He sighed contently at the woman as he snuggled her. Can I ask you something, Lessa? asked the male, even though he had asked her question just to ask her another one.

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image © Requiem!


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