aint no pretty otherside


She was done waiting for her former mate to find her. She sat indolently on the porch of the manor, waiting. He would come to visit the boys, and she would be waiting. She was always waiting. She had stuff in the sack at her side, and she was prepared for anything. She was even prepared for a fight. Her eyes actually gleamed in anticipation of a fight. She knew his weakness, and knew how to play off of it.

Her white-blonde mane fel over her eyes and breasts, and she let it sit there. in appearance, she was meek and submissive. Until you looked into her bi-colored eyes, which burned with arrogance and insolence. Her pretty exterior hid the angry interior. Her newly done piercings glittered in the wan moonlight. She'd waited on the porch most of the morning, and the sun had set hours ago. But still, she waited. he would come. He'd been looking for her, and he would come.

In more than one way. She stioll had this notion that if she could get knocked up, he would want her around. But she had her own ideas in mind. She'd let him beg her to stay, let him beg her to help take care of the pups. And then she would secret them away. She would spurn his help, spurn him being in their lives. Let them think he'd abandoned them. It was a good plan, designed to hurt him. And she liked it.


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