Long be the road to fulfillment
Light looked to the female for the first time his sense already knowing what he would see. He knew this girl the moment she spoke and a small smirk fell upon the stone expression. Sometimes it blew him away just how strong fate could be, how his blood was riddled with a power he would never understand. His mother always called him special, truly her son for they would know things far sooner than most. He set his deep brown eyes upon her blue orbs that sang with a pain and suffering he knew he would never understand. Then his eyes set forward into the flame once more. He drew out the silence between them as he pondered her words.

Scars are like a tale, each adorning one’s body a script or pictograph of your life. Some stories are not good, some filled with joy and honor. Still. They are yours and yours alone, they stain the body in ways that make one unique. Reminds me of a dream I had the night before. His deep voice developing a slightly more bass emotion. The dream he had bothered him greatly but he knew its meaning knew its message. He also knew the dream was not for him.

I dreamt of a girl, just out of puphood. Dressed in a red cape over white fur, she was pretty completely enchanting. One day she left her den with a delightful tune upon her lips. It wasn’t long before the night fell far too quickly before she was alone, so young so vulnerable in the forest filled with danger. She did not fear though, did not stop her tune that drew so many things to watch her in the forest. The eyes deep and dark her own bright and orange like the sun within the forest. She skipped her flowing cape dancing behind her. It wasn’t until he stepped out before her that she stopped singing. So trusting too easy to greet the beast before her she had no clue. His intentions dark, his claws extended and ready. I could not tell if he was a bear or a large wolf but he instilled a fear I am not accustomed to. The young girl had smiled up at him her teeth so white so bright. It wasn’t until he gripped her with such a terrible haste and vengeful grip that drew crimson from her body that she felt fear for the first time in her life. All the while he ravaged the girl, took everything innocent from her, covering her body with pain and blood she did not cry out. She loved him regardless as she did everything around her. Then I saw her body lying in the woods creatures ready to devour the poor young wolfess. Everything so white so dead of colour all but her bloodied form, her crimson cape, her eyes were even lost of colour so pale and white like a moon dying or clouds swallowing light. Then something arose, something like the snow around drew up in a large bulge of white. I could not make out this creature could not make out its form all I felt was its love, its desire. The girl stood before him her bloodied body still at their feet she was untainted unblemished in that moment as the creature spoke. “My child.” He said to her. “Fear not your pain. Fear not your blood. Fear not my child.” With that he was gone. It saddened her when her spirit filled her body once more, her pain taking hold of her. Then she felt arms around her frame as the monsters around her backed away. She was safe, she knew it. For as her body drifted over the snow in the arms of this person that loved her so dearly that she knew. Even with her pain so great, her heart so shattered she could rely on the love of others. She could really find hope in the good.

Light shrugged lightly. It was an interesting tale don’t you think? He had remained so still in that tale one would wonder if he even took a breath, his story flowing out from him like a wind endless. His voice so deep and filled with an eerie haunting that really showed how the dream bothered him so. He looked over at the female whose body was a delightful sight to the strange hunter, it eased his tensed muscles. Her missing fur exposing ever bit of her own story really making him see her as the little girl from his dream.

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