A whole new world


Yiska listened intently. What on earth was she going to do? Join the knights of the round table? Whatever that was.....She frowned and sighed, listening to the male and looking out the dusty window. She had heard something about knights from her father, they were suppose to be beings, dedicated to the better cause of life, whatever that was. She figured if anything, these wolves resembled them best. Chuckling at her idea she turned back to the man. She cocked her head at his information about the Northern packs He didn't have much to say about them did he? However, if she was gonna find who she was looking for she needed to know about everywhere

"Do you know the names of the packs to the North? And are the packs you mentioned the only ones in the south?" She tried to keep her tone even and indifferent as much as she could. She was eager to look for Vulcan and the ghost of her past, and if being in this pack would help her predicament then she would stay as long as it took. Laying back waiting for the patriarchs answer she looked about the room, trying to get a little more comfortable under the bedding. She wasn't use to it that was for sure. She wiggled around under the blankets trying to get use to the feel of the squishy surface under her rump.

Frowning at the strange feel she looked up at Jazper. "How on earth do you sleep on these things...." She hoped he wasn't offended but she just wasn't use to this life of luxury. She wiggled around again, trying to get comfortable. After a while she managed to get it, piling up pillows and such around her like a nest and the blankets laid out lightly on top of her. Taking a relieved sigh she settled down and focused her attention on what the male was telling her.

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