Valinta sat and stared at the sun as it set, hoping that it would make her go blind. Blindness would suit the female, as she had nothing in her life of importance. All she knew was that after carousing for the majority of one day, she slipped back into her cave, knowing Gunnar would be home and would be safe and waiting for her like he always did. She slipped off the dress, slipped out of Nadja, and staggered towards the room in which he slept. Looking for him, scenting for him, the ebony woman came up with... nothing. Her boy was gone. For a while, by the smell of it.
Not quite realizing what was going on or what she did, the woman just stumbld out of the caverns, out of Anathema, out of anywhere she actually knew. And as the sun set on another day without her baby, the tears finally made it through the shock and she sobbed so hard her entire body spasmed. She felt the loss clawing at her, like some small creature just digging desperately to get out.
Smashing the bottle she had brought with her, the woman shrieked with pain and rage, sending the last few birds scattering. As they began to fly south, Valinta watched them through bleary eyes. Through a drunken stupor, she knew that they were leaving and going south to find a fresh start when they eventually returned.
Barely able to make a facsimile of a smile, the woman wiped at her face with a forearm and began to trudge in the general direction that the birds went. She would go south and find someone to fuck away her troubles with, and she would have a new son. Gunnar didn't matter. She just raised him to adulthood as she was supposed to, as nature demanded. He was just a piece of meat to make sure was able to pass along genes to the rest of the population.
Valinta only let a second pass before she realized what she had thought and then sobbed harder, limbs twitching as she rid herself of horrible thoughts.
The boy mattered to her, he was all that mattered. And he was gone. Whether he left of his own free will, or if he left because someone forced him.... It didn't matter. He was gone and she didn't know where and it killed her inside.
Bracing herself for the inevitable pain, Valinta willed herself to forget Gunnar. She would move on, and move south to better prospects and she would raise another brood. She wouldn't become attached to them, she'd just let them grow up and make sure they were healthy. They didn't matter as much as her baby did.
Until then, she would just lament the lost prospects and she would move on.

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