A job complete, a job to begin.

Word Count :: 400+ Good idea, maybe they can go looking for parts and have a stroke of luck? Smile

A sound cut through the air and broke Liliya’s reverie, the coy-wolf woman looked over her shoulder to receive the interruption. For once she didn’t mind the disruption. In fact, she was downright excited to hear someone coming up the sandy beach behind her, the horse hooves clopping softly on the shore. Someone was here to appreciate her handiwork! She would be happy to have her pack see what she has done and hopefully spread the word about the new dock. The figure she focused on was that of a girl – no, a woman, just a very young woman – she knew as one of her pack but did not have a personal relationship with yet. They might have known each others name… Well, no, Liliya couldn’t recall hers… Drat.

She nodded welcomingly to the woman who rode towards her. “Greetingk,” her Russian patois mutated the word, but she was growing skilled enough with her English (despite her lack of desire to speak any language except Russian) to where she was understandable. Her eyes turned back to the dock as the woman mentioned her work.

“Thank you, it does not feel like it was that quick. Especially not to my hands,” she wrung her hands together, gently massaging one with the other. A soft chuckle filled the air as she looked at her triumph. The work had taken a lot out of her, but she had been prepared for the job and by the looks of her only benefited from her efforts – her body filling muscle in in various places during the weeks she had been working on the dock. Her eyes trailed over to Salvia and she wondered if she noticed the blinding problem with this situation.

“Is no boat yet, though,” she stated the obvious, though Salvia could probably see. “That is another few weeks in the makingk... At least, if I can even find materials. I am feelingk like it was hard enough to collect all the lumber for dock. Ha-ha! Vhouldn't that just be my luck, eh? Make dock, no wood left for boat!” She laughed at the thought, though it was actually a very real fear of hers. Of course they could always harvest more wood from somewhere, but it was still a slow going task. The Dark Lady just might let her utilize the slaves for it, though, as she had for some of the dock construction.

Image courtesy of mnshots@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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