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Winter was nearing. The chilling wind made its presence known as did the overcast of heavy clouds blanketing the once clear skies. The repetitive snaps of cold gradually shed the trees of their fine leaves, as some of the heartier flora simply transitioned into radiant hues of red and orange. It was a lovely change that filled her with excitement as well as purpose. Now would be the time her skills could be put to use.

She was a better warrior than hunter, but her resolve did not allow any hindrance as she set her mind to prepare for the season ahead. Before the herds wandered to still green pastures, now was the time to take their meat and preserve it. That which was brought back from her joint excursion only days ago had already been set aside for storage, but it was not enough should their circumstances worsen. The few rabbits and badgers she had managed to take would provide minimal sustenance. What she needed now was to hunt larger, more worthwhile game to ensure survival.

In the early morning she left her den in the Wentworth and backtracked to the Dahlia Valley. She sounded her intent in the morning air, hoping to rouse others of the pack to her cause. It hadn't been planned, or discussed. It would have been a wonder if any at all chose to heed the call. But she was hopeful, less Fate was not so willing or kind, and she would have to commit to this task alone. In the midst of fading green, the Secui female seated herself adorned in her furred shoulder with avian companion hovering watchfully overhead. Patiently, she waited for reply.


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