Time Heals All Wounds

Word Count → 439 ::
Be warned, weird post is weird. But thanks for starting this for us! Smile

In all honesty it was a rather dreadful day, but Clover hardly let the chill zap her positive energy. Though her largely coyote influenced heritage meant she was often cold in the harsh winter months in Nova Scotia, the temperature seemed to be a thought left on the back burner. Clover hardly even noticed the dampness of her denim shorts as the drizzle relentlessly continued on. In truth, the Lykoi girl was very much in her head today, mulling over thoughts of Salsola, her own history, and how these two had come to merge together. It was hard to make sense of everything, but Clover had come to the realization that it was best just to follow her heart. In the end, her heart had yet to truly fail her. After all, it was her heart’s desire that led her to Salsola in the first place. Why not trust its intuition?

It hadn’t been more than a week since the last time the girl had gone beyond the borders of the thistle kingdom. She found it was easy to focus on her thoughts when she was not present amongst her newfound Family – didn’t have to worry about the duties expected of her, and could simply sit as a part of Mother Earth’s environment. She felt free here in a way that was hardly matched elsewhere; not that Salsola necessarily made Clover feel caged - when removed from the hierarchy of any pack or clan, Clover was simply just another of Mother Earth’s creatures. The social aspects of her world didn’t come into play. Everything was so simple, so black and white. It was no wonder that she felt truly at peace with herself out here.

Her subtle excursion had brought her along the shore, just beyond where the river drew a border to the Family’s kingdom. Tucked between her teeth was a smoldering joint, which she sucked at willy-nilly. Daisy had remained in the stables, protesting at the idea of wandering out in this dreary weather, and so Clover had let her stay. Though her steed was there to serve her, Clover respected the mare’s wishes. After all, it wasn’t too far of a walk to accomplish alone. Her halo of golden waves had become rather saturated, losing its usual volume but still retaining the waves her King’s eyes so often admired. If she were smart, she’d return to the dry and warm security of the Ruins less she catch a cold. But for now, the girl remained where she was, her eyes on the shore ahead of her while her mind drifted off like the smoke from her cannabis.

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