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He had only ever really had a heart to heart talk with Deuce once. He had gone to see her in Jaded Shadows to apologize for the actions of Storm’s former omega. Upon finding her, Deuce had pleaded with Pilot not to let her daughter turn out like she had. In the end, Pilot had made a promise never to hurt Dierdre. He wasn’t sure if he had kept his word or not.

Despite this, Pilot knew he owed a lot to his mother-in-law. She had cared for his two sons when they had been born prematurely and left on their own. Without her, they both would have perished and he knew that he could never be able to thank her enough. He had come to visit her because he was worried about her health. Sure Sirius was young, but Pilot had taken his son’s words to heart enough to do some detective work of his own. He wanted to know if what Sirius had said was true.

He came upon Twilight Vale’s borders, one hand clasped on the arrowhead necklace around his neck, and called for Deuce. It seemed he had been spending a lot of time around Twilight Vale lately.


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