femur and stone

Tralala. Big Grin

Eris is by Alaine!

The marshes of Drifter Bay were familiar to the sable hybrid. She had spent much of her time in Inferni actively avoiding the remainder of the clan, and these lands to the west of the coyotes were her favored escapism spot. Even before Salsola had formed, these lands had been her preferred spot. Now, she traversed them frequently, spending most of her time in Salsola and the rest of it exploring these outlands, always on high alert for any signs of outsiders. Their knavery and trickster's ways were well-known to the sable coyote. Only Salsola could be trusted, and even then, not all of them could be completely trusted.

Her usual walking stick clutched in hand, the hybrid stepped forward gingerly, grumbling to herself. Today was the first clear day in a string of overly foggy ones, and Eris thought she would use it to her advantage. However, the terrain was muddier than she was used to, squishing beneath her feet and squeezing between her toes. She sidestepped a large puddle, and continued onward, tail flickering in annoyance. There was nothing to be done about the weather, though. The coyote lifted her head, nose twitching with the new scent on the air.

Some long yards away, she saw a rabbit moving. It was molting, losing its summer coat in favor of thicker, pale winter fur. Eris was glad her period of shedding was over and done with. Those were long weeks losing clumps and patches of hair. Now, her thick winter's coat had grown in completely, and she was readied for the cold weather. The hybrid watched the rabbit a few long moments, contemplating whether she wished to give chase or not. Her belly was not particularly hungry, but one could never pass along an easy meal, and if this rabbit wandered any closer --

Thwack! The moment Eris recognized the faint whistling sound for what it was, the arrow stuck into the rabbit's side. It keeled over immediately, twitching and jerking. There were no noises -- Eris presumed the arrow had pierced a lung -- and the death was quick. The dark woman's crouch became more apparent, and her chartreuse eyes scanned the area for the source of the arrow, curious as to who might make such a shot. She stood on the edge of the thickest woods, having intended to take her trek to the forests sweeping down the sides of the mountain and into the Drifter Bay terrain, and paid close attention to the treeline, chartreuse eyes seeking movement. The shooter would come for his quarry, she thought, and she would meet him -- or her.

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