femur and stone


Eris is by Alaine!

Her stick clutched close at hand, the green-eyed woman peered forward eagerly, watching the small figure approach. It had been a shot -- a distant one, too. The coyote did not move forward as the man approached the corpse; rather, she shrank back further into the underbrush, increasing her crouch until she placed one palm on the ground, the other still clutching her walking stick. She watched his stride, noting the casual gait of one certain of his solitude.

She was content to watch him pierce the bloodied arrow into the earth, and only began straightening then, as the man grabbed for the rabbit's ears and stood. He had noticed her, then, though he was quiet, offering only a nod as he slung the kill casually onto his back. The Auxiliary straightened fully, taking only one step forward and out of the underbrush. Her stick was brandished casually, held away from him. She could swing it if need be, but she was not the sort to attack without provocation, after all.

Instead, her lips lifted from her teeth in a smile, and she herself nodded toward the rabbit. What a shot, she commented, clearly impressed with his range. I think you pierced a lung -- maybe the heart, she said, shaking her head as she marveled. That he hadn't noticed her didn't speak well of his awareness, but the hybrid didn't think that mattered much. After all, if one could make such a shot at such a distance, why did he need to care about closer enemies? In a pack, his fellows would watch his back and ensure none snuck up on him unaware, and he would be free to pick and choose targets at a distance. It was simple strength and weakness, and each creature on the living earth possessed some of each.

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