femur and stone

Eris is by me!

There was a faint smile on the hybrid's face as Hrafn said such a place did not seem strange. Clearly, he was new to these parts -- those other packs did not value loyalty and strengths. They were each a mecca for weakness, and none demanded the loyalty and secrecy of Salsola. This was something Hrafn could learn in time, however; he needn't hear of the other packs' pitiful excuses for hierarchy and structure. Salsola was the important part.

The dark woman listened intently, nodding enthusiastically at each listed skill. So, he could shoot and create these weapons? A salvo of excitement exploded within her, though one wouldn't know it, looking upon her face. The coal-hued mask remained much the same, displaying that same curiosity and friendliness it had in the prior moments. A grin split across her face as he finished, however, and she gave a final, single nod of her head, as if deciding something. Perhaps she had.

Your kind is much desired within Salsola, then. The name of the pack was given, then -- Hrafn's time to turn away was short. Her look quickly drained of friendliness, her demeanor brisk and business-like. We would ask your loyalty, and we would ask for your trust. You would be expected to keep our secrets, and work for our well-being. In return -- you would have a home, and a Family, for that is what we are. The offer was made -- she looked upon him keenly, awaiting his response.

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