femur and stone

Eris is by me!

The dark woman herself was more than happy to have Hrafn, and she assumed Sirius would be, as well. The Boss was as scrupulous as she when it came to newcomers, but Eris did not think he would be disappointed with this addition to Salsola. The sharpness of demeanor vanished once more as her companion spoke his agreement, her own tail wavering happiness. Another for their family: Hrafn would have his place within her pack, and Salsola would have another pillar of strength within its ranks. Hrafn was, additionally, different from most of their new recruits. She prized Denver for his cleverness, Magnolia for her dedication, Clover for her sweetness of demeanor. Perhaps she would prize this one for his physical skill, but there was more to learn about him still, too.

Yes, and yes again. Come with me, she beckoned, shifting the still-clutched stick to her hand, able to grasp both the rabbit and the piece of wood in one hand. I will show you all there is to see within our lovely home, the hybrid said, her pearly teeth showing clearly against her coal-hued muzzle. She would take him over the border and instruct him in their ways herself, as she had done with many of the newer recruits of the pack. They had expanded far beyond their foundation, though some had fallen to the wayside. They might not return, but Eris would keep Salsola's blood and life from growing stagnant with this Hrafn and others like him, others worthy of the pack's security.

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