Stars Fall, Spirits Rise
Big Grin pooopies Okay their are 3 girls and one boy. The boy is all white, one girl is black, the other is blak with some tan markings and the third looks like jace but with her greys reversed. Also Sam has to come to Jace since the puppies can't move much ^^

She was already awake when they woke up from their nap. Squeaks and tiny growls met her ears and she rolled onto her back laughing all the while as small furry bodies attempted to climb her. Their tiny paws working back and forth. They had opened their eyes not a few days before and they were still the dull puppy blue and would stay that way for a while, they wouldn't be able to see true colors and shapes for a few weeks so were limited still to the nursery she had built. They yapped at her demanding that she play with them and she happily indulged them. They were still tiny compared to her and yet dwarfed their older dead brother and sister.

Her ears pricked up however as a call floated in from the borders. It was familiar to her and she climbed to her feet despite her children's angry protests, teeth tugged against her ashen feet and she tutted at them, nudging Pandora with her foot. The image child of her growled at the ashen foot her own light grey paws reaching out to bat it. Pandora was almost her double, the only difference between them was that the position of the grays on her body was opposite, instead of starting from light at the shoulders and a darkening to an ashy grey, Pandora started off with that dark grey color and lightened to a sable color.

Jace stepped over the two foot tall board that covered the hole in the master bedroom, the puppies whining and yelping as they could no longer follow their mother. She opened the door and stuck her head out, floppy ears pulling forwards. She raised her own multicolored head and howled back, giving Sam position to enter the pack lands with the condition that she come straight to Jace's house.

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