
Character Name: Jacinto Lykoi

Character Birthdate: Feb. 28 2007

Gender: Male

Species: : 50% Canis latrans thamnos, 18.75% Canis lupus familiaris, 18.75% Canis lupus, 12.5% Canis rufus

Is your character a Luperci?: Yes, Ortus

Other 'Souls Characters: Samantha Jarret, Aleo d'Lanri

How you found 'Souls?: (Not required for returning or current members.)

Are you joining a pack?: IF

If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: IC

Profile or three writing examples: I usually link to profiles for joinings, but since Nat put Jacinto's profile together, I won't this time.
Okay, this is a thread that I did a little earlier on last month, It has about 4 of my replies (from Samantha Jarret) I hope this is alright, I wanted this to be a tidy little link.


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