What Does it Mean?

"I do."Nayru could have left her words at that. The woman had inherited her biological mother's strange ability for complete composure, if she so desired. Where Cercelee had in all cases hidden her true emotions, Nayru was more selective when she donned her masks. Because of this Nayru allowed others to form closer bonds with her, revealing herself more readily to the Ichikans, and yet also because of this they never knew if or when she was hiding some thought or emotion. Simply most thought they could read the lady as they read anyone else, and Nayru did nothing to correct them. So that Nayru showed no expression except a soft, slight smile was an indication of nothing except that she might be pleased with X'yrin's confession.

Yet X'yrin again had grown rigid and it was not Nayru's nature to wish to displease any of her pack mates, least of all one who she counted among her personal friends. What caused such discomfort for X'yrin at the man's name spoken out loud, or perhaps in the face of Nayru's relation to him, the lady could guess not but simply she tried to ease whatever unknown transgression had occurred. "He was of Dahlia de Mai. As was I. " Nayru did not add that Saluce had left his heart in Dahlia de Mai whereas she had carried it across the mountain to Ichika. She did not say that Saluce had left her before and come again, only to repeat the painful cycle. She did not express at emotion at their shared past home. Merely she provided this information, which she guessed the warrior might already know.

"Razekiel must have admitted him." Though as Nayru said the words she knew them to be true. The woman, whether told explicitly or inferred from what the land told her, knew most of what transpired in Ichika. Saluce's scent had lingered around the borders for some time, and Nayru had paid it no heed for the man had not again called out to her. She had found it intermingled with Razekiel's, and then within Ichika, and Nayru still had not sought out the man. Still she saw no reason to, just then. Merely she looked up at X'yrin, her cherry eyes trying to read any unspoken words in the woman's face, and smiling as if to say herself "How lucky he has found a friend in you."


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