Collecting Payment
Never before had she been so glad for the furs she had. Amy had paid a pretty penny for caribou to drag a sled holding her supplies to the tribe, leaving behind the horse and wagon she'd used in lower lands. Amy wasn't planning on repeating the trip though. She'd collect rare and valuable items and make sure to never return to the biting cold. Her fur was thick, but never before had she dealt with such low temperatures. The perpetual white was blinding to her eyes as she shuffled through the snow, working towards a house. Maybe there someone would be willing to trade with her.

Amy didn't bother knocking, just barging in out of the cold. Shivering she stamped her feet, thinking about how useful a trade for boots would have been. She'd been foolish though, and hadn't gone through with it, seeing no purpose when paws worked just as well. She knew better now. Grumpy Amy flicked the last of fur from her coat before graciously taking it off. She was an elegant sight in the land of snow, a pure blond that seemed like a ray of sun on the snow. Her hair curled out from a delicate ponytail, letting some escape and curl around her face. Sharp brown eyes looked around, trying to find the owner. It was useless if there was no one to trade with.

She heard movement in another room, and moved to investigate it. A small curtain fell across an area, marking another room. Amy pulled it back, revealing an old wolf, dying. The stench of death was clinging to the body as it continued to breath, seeping further and further away. There was no cure for this. Disappointed at having found the owner unavailable Amy turned to leave.

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