Merchant and Slave
Amy growled in frustration as she ran up against a forest of pines. The scent clogged the trail, making it almost impossible to pick out. Amy slowed down, reassuring herself. The girl wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer. She was a stranger in the land, with no idea how to navigate it. Amy did know the land, if not as well as someone who lived here. She was used to the trees and twists, having traveled through them before. Patiently she picked her way through the trees, time ticking away. Amy wanted to run after the slave, letting the blood lust consume her, but she couldn't do that. She had to be patient. So she tracked through the trees, ever so carefully.

The scent disappeared completely at some points. Amy had to backtrack and circle, spreading wider until she caught the scent. The path wasn't always straight, zig zagging around. Her anger built, carefully taken and stocked where it would be used later. Amy's mind remained icy clear, no traces of the anger that she felt in her movements. All that existed was the predator. Her prey would be captured. She hadn't tasted failure before, and wasn't about to start.

It took some time before she came across a creek. Amy snarled, the anger let loose in a short vent. There was no way she was getting in the water again. She'd just have to trust that the slave had gotten out on this side. Nose to the ground Amy traveled through the woods, constantly being challenged by the scent of pine. It was thick, pulling at the thick fur of her secui coat. Growling Amy wrenched herself forward, always smelling, listening. The girl had gotten far ahead by now. It would take most of the night to catch up. She thought about the horse, left behind. Amy hadn't considered tying it up, but wished she had now. The horse wouldn't move on it's own, but thieves could steal it.

Her luck had held before though, and she didn't turn back. Amy's anger at the escape overrode all common sense. Circling and circling Amy traveled down stream. Just when she thought her luck had run out she smelled the girl, farther than she would have expected. Silent now, Amy slipped into the shadows, following the faintest of trails.

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