[DND]New Places, New Faces

The events that unfolded before her happened so fast there was very little time to react to anything. Still Jace pulled the small girl closer to her. Using herself as a shield, her grown body could easily stand a lot of damage and it as long as major arteries and nerves were not severed she could recover from the injuries, it would be largely difficult for something of the hawk's size to kill her. But Dalgina was different, she cold very easily be carried away or fatally wounded with a single strike. Like Neela Jace's free hand went for her knife and was pulled free but it was not thrown, Jace did not trust her aim to hit such a small thing moving so fast.

Neela's shriek in a language Jace didn't know was high pitched and made her jump slightly with its loudness. The sound ringing in her ears heavily. The bird of prey called out in return to Neela's call and the grin set of her face told Jace it wasn't good news. As her words did, so also her knives failed to sway the hawk's path and it was closing in quickly upon them. Neela suddenly relaxed and Jace looked at her with astonishment before moving her gaze to the sky and also seeing what she had done. The falcon was poised ready to strike and did so with unnerving speed and accuracy plunging down through the sky to tear at the offending bird's body and sending it too crashing to the ground.

There was a snap as it hit the floor not far from them as Jace knew even without investigating furthur that it was dead, its head bend at a peculiar angle. The adrenalin fast faded from her body leaving her panting harshly despite her having undertaken no cause for it. She was speechless in the face of what had happened.

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