swimming in the flood
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

Hit me on AIM sometime, I have an idea!

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Wrong. Who decided if it was wrong or right? They didn’t. God did. It was as simple as that for him, and this eased his doubts while others found more. Ezekiel had sinned, but he had not gone against the clan’s laws when he killed his aunt. How could she dare question him? The responsibility was not part of her bloodline. Ezekiel and Hybrid’s spawn alone carried the weight of the Massacre line. She was bred from soft-blooded Lykoi’s, from the son who ran to sunflowers and spoke of peace, who chose wolves over his own family. This disgusted him.

She cried at him and turned to run. Ezekiel did not chase her. He turned and called at her back, his hands locked tight into fists at his side. “If you think that,” he warned. “Then you’d better go run with the wolves.” There was no further explanation. If she chose such a thing, the fate of all traitors would fall upon her. He would not force her now, but he doubted she would remain. Not after the way she had looked at him, as if he was a monster incarnate. Perhaps, in a way, he was.

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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