Why do we play winter as a "lean time"?
I'm surprised there is any prey left in Souls due to the large number of wolves in such a tiny area. I don't know if there has been expeditions for them to get food elsewhere but there is a reason why humans breed domestic food, because if the population we're at right now began hunting down game there would be a lot more extinct animals.

Also I could imagine--partially educated guess--that prey would get scared off or learn not to live near such social areas for predators, wolves in the wild have to travel quite a bit to find food I imagine. Also the fact that most of us play, in a sense, werewolves and roleplay them out with humanistic natures I'd imagine they would have grown aware of how much easier is just to store meat and supplies instead of going day by day wondering when their next meal is going to be. Now this would be different for non-Luperci players of course but the large amount of Souls is Luperci populated. I'd imagine keeping poultry, cows, pigs etc. would be beneficial and having stores of food as well.

Edit -- Now there still would be the urge to hunt of course and back to the topic at hand, some geographic research would have to be done of the area Souls is located to really know what the prey population might be like during both Summer and Winter months. It could for sure vary area to area and with a population like this Winter may be slim pickings if the prey is migrating.

Editedit -- Souls should go through a prey population crisis!!! It would be incredibly educational and perhaps even quite plot driven and may speak to things humans are facing themselves right now.

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