You've got a mouth like a razor-blade
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OOC: +5

She had to get away from Inferni for at least a day. She needed it to think about what was going on in her life. She had avoided letting the children know what had happened to their father, but sooner or later they would find out, and then they would blame her for not telling them, but she was okay for that, as long as they didn't know right now. If she was having such a hard time getting over her father's death then why should they have to be the same way? They could just think that their father was avoiding them like he normally did, and when they were older, then she would explain. Then she would tell them that "Hey, daddy is dead". Until then, she wanted to keep it a secret from them. Eventually his scent would ware from the caves, and they would figure it out. Valkyrie had kept half of her things in her den, and then she had some things in the den of the now dead Hybrid. Not only that, but she had found that Kesho's owl had been left uncared for. Muerte had made herself comfortable in the den of Hybrid, while Hextor still stayed in the other den. It was to keep up appearances with the children that there was still a Hybrid, and a Kesho, but truth was, they both were dead.

She had gotten on Freya's back and rode her out of the Inferni lands, towards drifter's bay. She wanted to do to the sunflower fields, even though she knew the flowers would be dead, she hoped that she would be able to get some comfort from the deadened stalks. The two owls she was now in possession of had followed behind her as she rode the Fjord horse at a steady gallop, trying to get as far away from Inferni as possible for now. She just needed a break. She wanted to run away, like she had done so many times before, but now that her father was gone, she wanted to stay close to him, and his grave. She would not run away completely. She would be home by nightfall. Or well into it.

She hadn't realized that she had been riding so close to the coast, even though the smell of the sea was very strong. She just had been riding, not particularly thinking. Soon, she would be riding on the beach and she looked at the ocean, and pulled her mare to a brisk trot as she let the ocean air caress her. She sighed lightly and cast her gaze to the ocean until she had caught sight of something from the corner of her eye. It was large and white, and then there was a smaller being, orange and white, black hair. She cocked her head and the scent came in her direction. Infernian. What was he doing here? Well, what was she doing here?

She slowly approached the two, the mount and it's master, and she looked up to see the owls moving to find a perch. She then looked back at the other Infernian and she forced a small smile on her face, it delicate on her features. Hi there. she spoke, accentless. She'd dropped her accent almost as quickly as she picked it up. She didn't have the will to concentrate hard enough to do her fake accent. She was too sad still to fall back in her old happy ways.

Table by Tammi


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