M-Just shoot me already!

Nayru tried to think of herself as a child and found that the creature did not exist in her memory. She could remember Conor and Bris, Saluce of course, and the ever present Gideon. It had been a fine childhood, but any recollections of herself, what she might have looked like, who she might have been, where absent. Simply Nayru assumed she had always been herself, just as she was now, perhaps smaller, if such a thing were possible. Still her tiny self seemed childlike, her hands probably half the size of Saluce's if ever they were to laid them into one another. And yet, she was, and perhaps always had been, adult in thought if childlike in spirit.

The man's observation of her came and went and Nayru simply let the nostalgia pass, content to focus on the task at hand. I need, the lady paused, as if to consider for the first time what she truly needed in a home, but only came to the same conclusion she had come to many times before, something sturdy and warm. It was more location that was an issue. Nayru found she did not like to dwell in the towns as many of the others did, but neither had she found somewhere outside of them she could linger for long.There were places enough she liked, but they all belong to Ichika. Nothing suited her as the glass house in the veiled gardens had once.

Coming up alongside the man, she giggled at his question. Facing northeast Nayru pointed a slender finger, and shrugged, as if to say: why east of course. And then, taking up the lead she moved along, heading to the buildings she knew held metals and tools and things of that nature. Nothing that was of any interest to her, but she would rifle through the debris with Saluce and be happy to do so.


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