M-Just shoot me already!
Saluce smirked back to her in response. The man knew she’d find a residence to live in, but he never imagined why she would be in such a hurry and finicky about it. One could even go as far to assume he was blind to the blatantly obvious changes that would soon make themselves known but for the sake of fair play he was oblivious to any changes in her specifically that would be coming in the next few months. The behemoth just merely played it off as her being stressed with her position within the pack and the fact that Cerne Rise was abandoned would probably not be a joyous thing to have on one’s mind either.

But Saul was on his mind with that thought, and he wondered where the boy had gone. He had left the pack before he had joined he supposed, his dwelling still carried a faint tint of his scent and of another’s, so he hadn’t been gone too long. He wondered if he had come back sooner maybe he would have stayed. But he was sure of Nayru’s response to such a question, beating himself up over that wouldn’t change anything.

As he started following her, his mouth got the better of him though. “Was Saul unhappy here? He must have left just before I returned.” As always they were both good trackers, Nayru had probably surpassed his abilities, her own talents tailored more to stalking, tracking than him.

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