I was born this way
Everyone come and play in the snow with Lottie 8D

White furred paws sunk deep into the strange white substance and the girl child yelped in confusion. Never before in her short life had she seen such a thing, her world contained first to the house and then to the small region around it. It befuddled her to see such strangeness right in front of her very eyes. But soon she gave not a thought to its newness and was rolling about in it as her puppy nature dictated, childish laughter came from creamed jaws. The Princess wondered if the white soft had a smell and stuck her pink nose into it only to pull it back with another yelp and wipe at it with her ivory paw,

"Da cold, too cold, brrr." Her Malamute gene gifted tail that she had inherited from her father curled proudly behind her as the small child figured out that if she pushed the strange stuff together with her paws then it stayed there! And if she touched it again then it fell apart! This was so amazing! Charlotte barked several times in an excited way and then set off across the snow covered ground at breakneck speed until she tripped over her own paws and fell head over heels into a deep drift. From within the drift muffled barks came as she wriggled about in her new found hiding place.

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