I was born this way
Thus the start of her cute speech peculiarity :3

Her body heat quickly melted the snow that laid on her fur and she shook herself trying to get rid of the cold drips that slivered through her coat to chill her skin. She could hear the answering barks of Soll from the great outside somewhere and growled a tiny but ferocious growl as he pounced into her hidey place and barreled into her. She rolled over in a complete circle and launched herself at him, sharp teeth catching hold of a creamy ear and tugging on it. To anybody walking by it would seam as if the innocent looking snowdrift had suddenly taken to life with yelps and growls and small puppy barks, the top of it wriggling furiously.

"Love you 'Kol. 'Kol! No push! Meany!" She could only partially pronounce her brother's name as he could only call her 'Lottie' as everyone else in the family did, she didn't let them know but she already disliked the shortening of it, thinking Charlotte sounded much more princessy and royal, and Lottie was very royal indeed! Her daddy was the King after all and daughters of Kings were royal! Such as her logic went. "'Kol, whar Hati? He play s'well?" Hati's name was easier to say for her. Then with sudden life the female burst from the top of the drift sending snow flying everywhere and began to run away from her brother,

"'Kol can't catch! Too slow! Slow pants!" She ran as fast as her short legs would carry her, turning her head to stick her tongue out at Skoll. It was a genetic certainty however that he would catch her, the male was larger with longer legs and more energy, Charlotte however was on the small side for now and would most likely always be smaller than her brothers.

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