I was born this way
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars Big Grin

Her plan worked! Well of course it was going to work because she was the smartest of them all but it had actually worked! She was so excited for this that her curled over tail was wagging atop of her back. Skoll crashed into her side and it did hurt her a little but the small pain was worth it to hear him yelp and watch him tumble away into the snow. Her barking laughter was joined by Hati's who had finally made it outside to play in the snow with his cinnamon sister and snow white brother. Hati was a dark contrast to his lighter siblings but that was okay because that was him.

Skoll reacted as he always did to the mocking giggles and pulled himself to his feet before charging at his opposite colored brother. The Sun and Moon chasers, they kept the world safe or so her mother said, making sure the moon and sun did not become lazy and forget to rise and set.. Suddenly the Cour Princess was struck with a horrible sense of not fitting in, Skoll chased the sun and Hati chased the moon, where did she fit? The small female got to her feet but her tail no longer wagged nor did laughter come from her jaws. Instead she sat in the snow with her usually curled tail lifeless behind her to show her upsets. Floppy audits lowered and she let out a low puppy whine that was still quite high pitched, other pups however would know the small difference between them.

Their mother often talked and told the story of the gods who chased the two great balls through the sky but never of anyone called Charlotte who did anything really important like that, there was no god called Charlotte.

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