Secret Santa 2011
For Isabella Heiwa

None please.


Table Size Preference: 400-500 pixels ONLY

Color Scheme: reds, blues, purples.
Mood: seductive I guess? Think seductress.
Lyrics: perhaps a fitting stanza from what the water gave me? However, I also don't mind no lyrics at all <3
Picture you would like used: If you've seen any of her tables, preferably of dancers or of a gypsy palm reader/ prostitute like style.CLASSY HOOKER, guys. CLASSY.

Other: Try to keep the bg image relatively small, or at least make sure that it doesn't take up the entire height of the screen before getting to the text. (it irks me sooo hardcore). cx Also, I'd like to avoid having her name on the table c:


None please

Best Way to Contact you: PM
Would you accept a finished piece of art in lieu of a graphical set: Yes c: Happily (if this is the case, then I'd love either something with Silvano or with Isabella)

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