You're the brawn and I'm the brains
cannot be bothered typing his accent out XD just assume hes speaking spanishly

The man's face twisted into some aggravated expression and the Austral male was obviously confused about what it was that had provoked such a reaction until the words were spat forth from his lips. León's expression flattened from helpful to annoyed wariness. Even though his older brother was many miles away from him now it seemed he still held the ability to make León's life more complicated than it should have been. A huff of air escaped his lips but nothing else came forth as the Rakeeb handed over papers for him to look over as part of a job to complete for him. Despite his annoyance and his now serious doubt about his own earlier assumption that Naniko would not promote morons he looked over the plans and diagrams with interest, it seemed like a engaging job, to be constructed into a tree somewhere, while he read the male saw fit to say, in a fairly emotionless voice,

"Whatever troubles you have with J'adore are contained to him. I do not immerse myself within his brawls and idiocy, he is a world of trouble and I am uninterested in carrying on his feuds. Suffice to say I got the brains of the family while he was left with the.. brawn." He looked down at the grey male with no hint of gloating or mocking, it was a fact of truth, he was smarter than J'adore and they both knew it. His smaller yet older brother was faster and had more experience in weapons training but that was it. His star gaze returned to the plans, challenging yes but the Austral man would rise to the occasion with zest,

"This appears to be something I could set my mind to amongst my other duties. If you don't mind I shall keep these to study further. As for your crow's nest," he appeared thoughtful for a moment, "If you check back in say.. five or six days it will most likely be completed." This was something that had caught onto his mind now, and all his spare effort and time would be used to see it to completion as quickly as possible. Already behind his white eyes the wheels of his brain were turning, making calculations and plans. How he would gain the material and get it into the tree. Which type of tree could he use, something sturdy but that wouldn't be too hard to cut into, something waterproof obviously, most birds were not happy while wet.

As though to remind them that they were still tied up the goats began bleating in loud annoying voices and the brown man hissed at them in a dark spanish voice. Stupid animals. Faith snorted and tossed her head, the longer they were tied to her the more irritated and restless she got, he turned back to the Rakeeb, the papers still held within his paws,

"Unfortunately I have no time to stand and chat. If you want to talk, could we do it on the move before these goats chew through the rope and I have to recatch them again." Personally he cared not whether he was with company or not, he would get his jobs done as was expected of him.

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