Like a knife to the throat
is there a post order

Shiloh copied her leader and repeated her words. She stood but kept her gaze lowered. She had not left a great reaction with the pack during the last festival. She didn't remember most of the festival but she knew she had made a fool of her self. What did her alpha think of her? She knew she was grotesqe looking because of her scars and she wished to cover herself better with the cloak she wore

Shiloh froze, her eyes wide. It took her a moment to remember what had happened. "Yes my lady. It was I who attacked her. I do not regret what I did to her. I could have done more but I am above what her mate did to me. I sought to give him a warning. He should not have beat me in Aniwaya. That night he took everything from me. I am not saying Samantha deserved it but he deserves to feel how I feel. I am sorry if this has caused conflict or hurt Jace's feelings. I did not know you were close..." she said with a soft smerk. Why did Jace hate her so?

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