Cold winds
The silver female knew of so many things that she could say to the child, well now adult, but she was a child with in her eyes. The lady knew that some of her thoughts of things to say would only start a fight or put a rift in the family, more then what there already was. Her ways to have what her heart truly wanted had put the rift there to being with. Her words and spoken thoughts could only push it further, or they could start healing the rift. The choice was for her to make which way to go.

She only think she knew to do was to think, slowly. Clearly and slowly. She gave a nod, of course her white prince was never that far behide. She would have never came back to these lands with out him, she had regained most of her past thoughts after she hit her head on a rock in the forest. Konane could only smile softly as she stopped her nodding. "He didn't want to leave you behide. He thought you would be happier that way. We're back now though, with your step-brother." Her voice was soft, and motherly like. What had happened to the silver young child, that wanted to see Summer in pain. How did this soft voice female come out of the shell that she wanted to make around "her" family, and "her" children.

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