Cold winds
A step-brother? She didn't even know where her real siblings were, how could she possibly have had a step-brother without knowing? Melisande cocked her head, about to tell this female that she had only Mew and Haku, and they were nowhere to be found. But then she realized, that she didn't know. First of all, she'd been gone a long time. Second, if she had a step-brother, that would mean that Konane was his mother. She looked at her feet, not sure how to feel about this. Yes, she wanted her father to be happy. Yes, she had never totally agreed with everything her own mother did. She couldn't say that leaving for a time wasn't okay, because she'd done it herself. And even being in another relationship was alright. You couldn't really help that. But Melisande couldn't help but think now that her father had wanted to start over with his new mate. He wanted to go somewhere else, and be happy without the burden of his children and former pack, and so he started a new family.

She couldn't resent anyone for it. It wasn't the pup's fault, obviously. She didn't like or dislike Konane, thus far. She seemed to simply be the wolfess that Lisi chose to partner with for his adventures, and she was nice enough. Melisande still felt that Ko could never love him the way that she did, and hoped that she wouldn't decide to steal him away from her. She doubted that would happen, though. And Lisi himself... she would have been mad, if she wasn't so glad that he was back. So instead of stating her confused feelings, she looked up again, as understandingly as she could be, and asked a more simple question. "So... where have you been then?"

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