Cold winds
The grey female knew that there was nothing she could do to help the feelings that Colibri had placed with in there head, even if they didn't believe any of it, there was still that voice with in there head repeating things that she had told the kids about the two of them. She knew that voice could remain for a life time even if they had thought that none of it was real. Konane loved to be able to to any one about that. She still come time suffered from the crap that Summer put her thought as a child.

Konane had more then enough female's in her life. Even if she had done many things in her life looking back some one should have smacked the crap out of her. Smoking and drinking and any thing else that she knew that would make the pups sick and deathly ill, she didn't want them, she knew she was to young, she thought she couldn't have any more, but some how she had one more litter after that. She was blessed, she was blessed having her little boy. Her silver head looked down to her paws then lifted her head up looking to the sky, thinking about her step-daughter's question.

Did she love this male? If there was chance for any one to come along and offer her, there heart would she take it? The female gave a laugh thinking about her-self being with any one else.

"I love him with ever fiber in my body. I want nothing more for all of us to be a family again."

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