Cold winds
She nodded, understanding. This female was in the same situation she was. Well, not the same - Melisande still had plenty of family around here who she could love and still learn from. And talk to, of course. The woman before her didn't even have that. She had to miss and remember her whole family, and Melisande couldn't help but think that was a little bit sad.

Her life was nothing to mope about, she decided suddenly. She would love them all, miss some of them, and cherish the ones she still had left. That was all she could do, after all, wasn't it? Now this... step-mother, she supposed, she wanted her to see her father. "I would love to see him too. More than anything in the world." She smiled, knowing that this was the truth, and the beginning of a healing process for them all.

ooc - we could probably wrap this up soon. It seems done.

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