i'll become the sky & i'll become the sea

Her gray eyes watched her leader closely as her eyes shot down to peer into the bag. There was a fraction of a second where she worried that for some reason the offering would be unacceptable. No, she couldn’t think like that. This was the mission of her life… or well, at least of the last few weeks… and she had only done so much work because she knew it was what her pack wanted, and needed. She had found out from Odessa that the Dark Lady had swum the expanse of the bay to the island and discovered the mushrooms; it was the mushrooms that she wanted. They were the bounty of the island. Of course, such a place would be useful for many other things, too. It was a fruit ripe for the picking.

Her ears tipped back and then popped up, tail immediately began whipping the air as she watched Eris’s eyes brighten at the sight of the crop. “You like? Ah!” Her smile broadened and she let out a boisterous laugh. “I am so happy! Here, you keep!” She nudged the bag toward Eris to take.

“They are all on island across the bay!” She motioned with her hand as if they were right across the beach from it. “The docks, they are built. The ferry, oh she floats beautifully! I didn’t even get my feet wet. Is cold out there… the sea, her breeze is icy this time of year. But inside… there are great mossy caverns just full of these. I did not even make dent in the crop.”

“It vas time for test voyage with the ferry. Everythingk was done, but I did not want to say it was until I was sure she worked. Oh, the trip was fine. Smooth, easy to coast across the water. Of course could use some improvements, but is good for pack, for now.” Her tail never stopped, doggish gestures abound even though she was in her Optime body. Despite her enthusiasm she knew Eris could only appreciate the sheer beauty of it if she had seen it with her own gemlike eyes. “Do you vhant to see?”

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