She nodded to the doggish woman's words, and from that moment on she swore to herself in the forever lasting way that children did that she wouldn't just believe everything that somebody said. This was her first true experience with death even if it was only a tree. She only understood the very basics of life and death and really only understood that life was when you moved around and did things and ate food, trees still did that but not like wolves and dogs did. Even at her young age Charlotte was showing signs of the very smart woman she would become in future.

"Ya! I help carry.!" Again her curled over tail set to wagging, this time instead of with hyperactive excitement it was the happiness at finally being able to help with something even if it was only carrying a few small twigs. She giggled as Caspa said she didn't think the fairy's were real either, her brother was so silly sometimes with his fairy's and magical things that didn't really exist. The small girl reached forwards to pick up a small stick when she realised that she hadn't even asked for this woman's name, she looked up with a tilt of her head,

'You name?" Despite her future genius she was still young and learning about how to say things.

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