you've been remade
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The two males trekked through the large, incredibly beautiful forest; each had a messenger bag or two with their supplies and Leon's sword was in its hilt at his side, ready to be drawn quickly in any sign of danger. Trigger was yet to be old enough to be in his optime form, but Leon had rigged his messenger back onto the lupus boy's body in a way where it'd be comfortable for him to walk and not get in the away. The hazel-eyed pup looked up at his dark, grayscale brother with a huge grin on his face. "Can we live here?" Trigger's long, fluffy tail wagged behind him. "No. We need t'find a pack. I heard there're some 'round here, though." He gave a smile back to his earthy-colored brother before his sharp silver eyes turned forward, scanning the area ahead. There were glorious trees and brush everywhere, and Leon would've loved to settle here had there been a pack.

There were neighboring places, and maybe some of the native packs had some places that were more like home, with houses and tiny little towns and buildings. But wherever they settled, it'd be loads and loads better than their old birth home in Arizona, under their father's angry eye and their mother's averted attention and weakness. Trigger had already put the past far behind him; he was young and happy and able to forgive and forget. Leon, on the other hand, was unable to do that. He hated his father. He hated his past life. He could never forgive them for what they did, nor could he ever get over it.

But he could sure as hell act like he did, if only for the sake of his baby brother.. "Are y'hungry?" The gray brute swung his bags over his shoulder and set them into the ground before looking down to Trigger, placing his hands on his hips and giving the boy a smile. Trigger excitedly let out some puppy yips and wiggled his butt and panted happily, making his answer clear. "Aight, aight." Leon chuckled before kneeling down and beginning to easily pull Trigger's bag off of him. "Our lives're gonna be tons better, kiddo." He wrapped his arms around Trig's neck and pulled him in for a hug; the young pup pushed himself into his older brother, pressing his face into the crook of the optime's neck.

Their lives were gonna change for the better now. Leon just knew it. It's all he had to hope for.


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