It's a beautiful thing
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The sweet smell of venison reached the boys before their new friend had come back with Fovea's kill; Trigger lifted his head and looked over, his tail automatically wagging at the sight. Leon looked a tad eager himself and he stood up, about to move over to help the older male when he set the carcass down to move over to Iri and check on him. Trigger stayed perfectly still where he was as to not make Swentzle trip over him. "No, he hasn't moved. He's... okay, right? he asked wearily as he watched the man press on Irinei's chest and there was no reaction, which he was unsure was a good thing or not. He didn't really understand herbs and their effects, but he trusted Swentz knew what he was doing and was taking good care of the mutt.

Leon watched Swentzle carefully and quietly, eying him as he pulled out a knife and got to work skinning the deer and cutting the side. The Hughes man never did take too much care preparing whatever he managed to catch; whether it was a rabbit or deer, both of the brothers dove right in. So much of their lives were incredibly humanized, yet they ate like the animals they were. Most of the time. Once Leon had a better way to store extra meat, he'd have to take care to prepare it in a way that it would last a long time.

"Mm. I don't know anythin' 'bout the packs here, I need t'look into it. We'll prolly stay in Ethereal Eclipse for a while longer. Till we find a good pack." Otherwise he would've gone with Swentzle, but he could find a way to work toward repaying the man for his kindness and make up for being part of that raid later. "What pack're y'joinin'?" Trigger shifted aside Irinei, keeping an eye on him like a good boy, concerned as he was for a complete stranger. Although he did mainly watch Swentzle work, trying to keep himself from drooling.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


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