New Love
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OOC: Chicka is pronounced "chick-aah", not cheeka. Fun fact. 8D

Leon had been stalking the same rabbit as the unknown female and he had no idea she was even there until she pounced on his meal. He let out a loud, irritated and disgruntled growl-snarl, coming out from his spot in frustration, dagger clamped tightly in his fist. He then knew he probably looked like he was going to attack her, so he huffed and puffed and put the dagger back into the sheath on his thigh. "You people are gonna starve me!" he said loudly, only nearing her by a couple more feet but leaving a couple yards between the two of them. "Yer lucky yer so g'damn pretty, chicka." He crossed his arms across his chest and tilted his head at her, his tail corkscrewing into a curl behind him.

The stranger really was a pretty thing. He loved browns like that, and long hair. And red hair. She definitely had a natural wolf look to her. "Where can I find more shit to eat?" he asked gruffly, taking a hand and running it easily through his fluffy silver locks as he calmed himself down from his frustration and hunger. He'd lost a few pounds the last couple weeks. He desperately needed a meal, but he was not a good hunter yet, and when he did manage to catch something, it was normally a bird or rabbit and only large enough for Trigger to make a decent meal out of. Damn, he was hungry.


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