New Love
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Leon had turned his attention to the other side of the clearing, sighing again. He needed to get better at hunting... hell if he could do that if he couldn't find much to hunt or catch much to begin with. He was half way in a step back to turn away when the young girl spoke, causing him to sharply turn his attention back to her and stand still. She was giving him the rabbit? If he had no pride and dignity, he would've taken it without a second thought, but since he was too manly to take someone else's hard earned kill, he shook his head and waved at her gently. "Nah, thanks though. I can catch something later," he said with a shrug, sticking four of his fingers up to the knuckles into a pocket and putting his weight on that leg.

After the fit he'd just pitched, you'd think he'd take the generous offer. It also had something to do with her being a pretty female; he might've taken it a little more easily from a guy. He was more secure in his masculinity around males. Around girls, however, he didn't want to look weak in any way. At least not badly weak. "Is there anythin' other than fuckin' rats around here?" Yeah, not very polite. He was rather coarse with either gender, he was just more overall polite to those of the feminine persuasion. Obviously he was a very social creature who had social skills up the ass and back. "If there are, y'think you and yer pretty self could help me hunt it?" He tilted his head to the side coyly, giving her a confident smirk.


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