New Love
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That was good news. That meant he had plenty of meat to take back to the den he shared with his brother. The leftovers would last the two of them for several days, give or take a day or two. "Nice to meet y', hon," the brute said with a polite smirk, flicking an ear before he bent down and stuck is face into the opening Terra had made in the old doe's belly to rip out a tasty organ or two. He'd leave the rest of the healthy food for his growing brother, who needed all the protein and natural minerals and vitamins he could get. This winter would be hard on both of them. They'd been on their own for two months on the journey here, but it had been a very tough two months. Leon didn't let on how much he was stressed and struggling to keep them both fed, healthy, warm and safe. They couldn't join a pack soon enough, really.

He scarfed down a few more mouthfuls of the venison and looked as happy and pleased as he could be as his belly filled up easily. He was good for now and comforted by the fact that the two of them would be able to munch of this later when they got hungry. He licked his lips again, looking to the small earthy-colored female when she asked about his brother. His expression softened. "He's really sweet, though he's still young-- five months-- so he's still naive and too trusting of strangers," Leon said as he looked down at the steaming deer carcass at his large paws. His gaze went back to Terra. "You'd like him. He's really nice. Runs in the family," he said jokingly as he tossed her another sly wink. Only he and Trigger would get that was an actual joke; neither of his parents could be considered "nice", but his extended relatives were better.

"Maybe y'can meet him soon, if y'want." In a few days, or... maybe today. "Y'can today, if y'wanna help me get this back to m'den with Trig." It was a good suggestion; he liked Terra, she was really sweet herself and would make a great friend for both brothers. Trigger definitely needed some friendly folk to hang around, and this would be more than a great start. In the end, it would likely benefit all three.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


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