(M) so let 'em fall down
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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It was thanks to the kindness of others that the Hughes' brothers cache of food was overflowing. They had that deer carcass and the traveling food Swentzle had so kindly given to them. Not to mention Mars had given he and Trigger an awesome moose fur blanket and Swentz had given them a heavy, incredibly amazingly warm wool blanket, under both both the boys slept. Leon appreciated blankets possibly more than anyone in the world, but he didn't mind sharing with his younger, lither, skinnier brother, who needed the warmth a little more than he. He'd woken up early that morning and instructed Trigger to just lay around under the blankets and sleep some more as he explored. He got dressed in a black long-sleeved button-up shirt along with a cotton button-up jacket, jeans, his scar and his only black hat that helped keep his head warm.

He strode out from their hidden den and where their supplies and food were stashed in a tight grove in the middle of the forest. Hands in his pockets, he casually wandered away from their temporary home, his silver eyes observantly watching his surroundings for any sign of movements. He'd be nervous if he found someone wandering so close to his den, but then again... this was a forest in mutual territory, so there wasn't anything he could do aside from fight anyone who decided to try and take his stuff.

Leon's jaw's parted momentarily as he yawned; his pink tongue curled as he did so before his mouth shut and his teeth clacked gently when they came back together. He could sure use some coffee right about now. Or some whiskey. Oh, man, whiskey sounded nice. So did cigarettes... oh, he missed his nasty habits. He was poor before, but now he was even worse off. At least he had Trigger, and that was all that mattered right now.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


Tammi edit: Edited in the mature template. It's located in Roleplay Information for future reference. Smile

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